The Beak is Back!
The bad news . . . ? Summer is over. The good news . . . ? W-EPS is back in the studio!
Seniors Cory Romej and Olivia Lindgren have returned to guide the new ten-strong staff this year. Team members include the following: Fellow seniors Adam Dreger, Talena Woodard and Araceli Palmer; Junior Joey Getzfred; Sophomores River Romej, Jessica Getzfred, Riley Vitamvas, and Norman Grothe.
The crew will be working hard to bring you the latest at EPS.
Be sure to catch our news broadcasts on our youtube channel: W-EPS: The Beak. You can also follow us on Twitter @WEPSTheBeak.
Feel free to share story ideas, announcements and pictures to our e-mail: You can also tag us on Twitter!
Have a terrific year!