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Agenda of Regular Meeting

July 11, 2018

To:                   Members of the Board of Education, District #18 Antelope County

From:               Dan Polk, Superintendent

Re:                   Tentative Agenda for the July Meeting

Mtg. Date:       Wednesday  July 11th, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. in Distance Learning Room Room PUBLIC hearings on policies 7:35 student fees, to follow or at 7:40 bullying, to follow or at 7:45 parent involvement.


Agenda Item


  1. Open meeting
  2. Roll Call of Members
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Announce Posting of Open Meetings Law


Consent Agenda


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Adopt the Agenda
  3. Financial Report
  4. Board Bills


Student Fees policy hearing

Bullying Policy hearing

Parent involvement policy Hearing


Recognize Visitors





  1. Reports of Standing Committees
  2. Report of Principal/AD
  1. Superintendent’s Report- projects update……



Action Item

      12.    Approve Student fees policy                                          

        13.    Approve Bullying policy

        14.    Approve parent involvement Policy

        15.    Approve first reading  NASB recommended policies in relation to unicameral actions/requirements.


Policy 403.02 Child Abuse Reporting       Policy 404.06 and 504.18 Harassment policies     Policy 503.09 Homeless Children and Youth       Policy 505.03 Suspension and Expulsion of Students – Since much of the suspension and expulsion information increasing overlaps, I have combined the old 505.03 and 505.04 policies into one.        Policy 504.12 Regulated Electronic Devices          Policy 604.14 Reading Instruction and Improvement         Policy 402.09 Recognition for Service of Employees        Policy 503.08 – Cleanup language for the Married Students Policy      Policy 603.01 Curriculum Development         Policy 1005.12 Title 1 Parent and Family Member Engagement

       16.   Approve 2nd  reading of  policy 402.18 = Self-defense devices and the staff waiver that accompanies.

       17.   Approve estimate for striping of track


Discussion Items

           18.   Review of Board Goals AND school improvement goals…

19.   Set next regular meeting

20.   Adjourn


A current copy of the meeting agenda is available in the superintendent’s office.  The agenda shall not be altered within 24 hours of the meeting unless the item is of an emergency nature. Agenda items may be moved around within the meeting at the preference and discretion of the board of education.


For a board to have a “closed” session a majority of voting members must vote for the session and it must be clearly necessary for either:

  1. .Protection of the public interest; or,
  2. The prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and if  the individual has not requested a public meeting.